Taking Down the Fences, May 2023

Taking down the fences between us is happening in many joyous ways in these times. I decided last month to remove the membership paywall and make Soul Herd podcasts and articles accessible to all. Although the Soul Herd Membership was a beautiful reciprocation allowing me to keep the site running, it didn’t feel as good as it feels knowing that the content is now unlimited.

The shift that prompted me to make this decision was an inner willingness to let go and trust. Both to trust that I don’t need to know how we will be supported, and the belief that we will be. 

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Guardianship with Kim Hallin

Excerpt from Guardianship with Kim Hallin

In this delightful podcast we discuss many aspects of our guardianship of horses.

In the excerpt we are exploring how going forward with more awakened relationships and embracing adaptability might manifest itself practically in our world. 

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The Equine Perspective with Sandra Mendelson & Michele Morrow

Excerpt from The Equine Perspective with Sandra Mendelson & Michele Morrow

In our first Let’s Talk Herd group discussion, The Equine Perspective, we have a lively and lovely discussion about how horses and other animals perceive the world in comparison to us humans.

In the excerpt we are discussing how all horse guardians can listen and respond more to the horses in their lives.

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Horse Watching with Stormy May

Excerpt of Horse Watching with Stormy May

In the podcast we explore the subject of consent with horses and where training and riding fits into that. 

In the excerpt Stormy shares her vision for horses and how we can interact with them.

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Message From The Horses, April 2023

The horses’ message is simple, they want a relationship with us, a dialogue. It doesn’t have to be about abandoning everything, just the possibility of listening to each other.

Message From the Horses

It is not so much about the activities we do or don’t do with them, or even their living circumstances. Although it is clear that horses appreciate a lifestyle closest to their adaptive needs. These incredible beings are here to develop relationships with us. It is a funny thing about consciousness that we are trying to fit this vast bubble of energy into tiny little boxes called words. And of course these same words resurface over and over, even though the energy behind them has grown and expanded and evolved in a million shimmering little ways. 


I have a little idea that horses are really vast souls who come here just for this journey with us. To support our path, to engage with and embrace our ignorance and illuminate the collective human awakening. 

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Golden Surrender

Golden surrender is a state of being I have been blessed to come into, in the company of the horses. We didn’t create it, because it was already there.

Sometimes being human feels like a conflict between the power of my mind and the openness of my heart. I know that if I allow my mind to run unchecked, making up a story, it will have the power to influence my feelings. Is this the habit of western society, where there are hardwired patterns of thought that keep some people ensnared their whole lives? Patterns of thought like success is how much money you can make and how many others you can influence, or how many objects you can own.

Over time it becomes clearer that this route of the mind doesn’t really offer fulfilment. It seems to, because at each external success there is enough of a boost to take us to the next challenge. The joy is limited however, because there are so many conditions attached. And the conditions tend to multiply with experience! In other words we need more and more evidence in our lives that we are succeeding in order to feel happy.

golden surrender

Although I feel that I have understood the lack of authenticity in this pathway for a long time, understanding is not quite the same as fully living the authentic pathway. Yet this is where the horses are leading me.

Being with the horses isn’t about thinking or deriving joy from an identity. It is a multi sensory experience of living, and opening my heart to it is the way in. Every resistance that arises is met with a gentle, yet pervasive coherence. Just like water. Soaking, filling and teasing apart the superficial web of what is not true.

The truth is that we are already joy, and nothing else is necessary to experience it. Only an opening heart.

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Creating Empathic Space with Emelie Cajsdotter

Excerpt from Creating Empathic Space with Emelie Cajsdotter

In this deeply inspiring podcast with Emilie Cajsdotter from Sweden, Emelie shares the empathic space she has been creating for many years, where demanding obedience from horses is obsolete. I am sure all of our Soul Herd members will take as much delight as I did in discovering more about Emelie’s journey with her epic herd of horses and other animals. 

In the excerpt Emelie shares her beautiful relationship with one particular mare and their remarkable discoveries together.

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HeartMath and Horses with Sam MacLean

Excerpt of HeartMath and Horses with Sam MacLean

In this fascinating podcast we dive deeply into the nature of life and humanity. Sam shares all about HeartMath with horses and how powerful a tool it can be. In the excerpt Sam is sharing her perspective on humanity and can can respond to life in love.

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