Sharing Horse Magic, March 2023

Horse magic is an enchanted world woven by horses. We all feel it at some level, at least those of us for whom horse company is a priority! Some of us understand it more than others, and appreciate it enough to want to know more. To make it our life and our passion, and to share it far and wide.

Over this last year it has been becoming clearer to me how much of the value in our relationship with horses is invisible. Invisible not only to the eye, but also to our western culture. That is why it is so readily dismissed in so many situations. It is also why the challenge of bringing it into our human awareness is so tantalising. The joy of sharing horse magic with others doesn’t seem to go away, no matter how challenging, and at times downright disheartening it can be. 

Night of the Red Horse 

When I was younger I read the wonderful books about a girl called Jinny. She lived in Scotland with her Arabian mare Shantih. In the books they have adventures together that were enchanting as well as addressing hard real life issues.

One summer Jinny was invited to paint in a Celtic ritual. I can’t remember the details, but periodically the mural in the sacred caves had to be repainted. The challenge was for the artist to emulate the true spirit of the horses, which were seen and felt at the ceremony beforehand.

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The Inner Voice of Joy

The inner voice of joy is rooted deeply in the Source of all things. Whether it is named Universal Oneness, God or unconditional love. This voice is the gift we all have. It might need to be mined and liberated from the depths of our consciousness, as it cannot come through the thick clouds of fear, but it is there in everyone. This voice expresses itself so easily and instantly, without any heavy labouring in figuring out. It shines with such purity and ease, and banishes doubt and sadness.

There are two inner voices in my experience. The other one of the monkey mind, quite often chattering away, or making little comments that do their best to erode our sense of self belief and self worth. That voice is like an overactive computer, guided only by the fears and delusions of our human belief in separation. One of the most persistent mistakes we make is to listen to the mind voice and encourage it to shape our perception of the world. 

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Dreamweaving With Denise M Michel

In this lovely exchange with Denise she shares her profound spiritual and physical path back to health which was both deeply personal and offers so much to the human collective. 

In the excerpt she is sharing the power of combining aromatherapy with her chiropractic work with horses and other animals. 

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The Portal of Grace

The Portal of Grace is a space we can open between us, humans and herds, and beautiful gifts flow through.

The external uncertainty of this process we are in as a herd is a constant reminder to trust my inner guidance. Every time I look outside for results that can reassure, or ideas that can provide resolution, I don’t really find much! Except of course for the clear love and glowing happiness in the horses to tell me nothing is missing.

One time when I was with the horses, I felt the imbalance of me perceiving myself as in front of the herd, trying to be the responsible party, to assume leadership. There was a clear energetic process as I felt my Self that was sticking out in front melting and dissolving. Then there was a sense of us all aligning into the frontier that is moving forward. We are all moving forward as one, bringing this in.

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The Art of Equine Alchemy with Amber Lydic

In this delightful podcast Amber Lydic shares her transformative inner journey, what helped her make the shift and how it influences her work now with horses. In the excerpt Amber is talking about how boundaries work in a relationship with horses. 

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February 2023, Celebrating All The Ideas

I love when new ideas are born. Maybe they just go out like a spark or they catch fire and gather momentum. Support mechanisms seem to arise out of the energies to support their growth like stepping stones. Letting go of attachment to whether an idea takes hold and expands, or snuffs out after a while has been very liberating for me. It allows the flow of ideas greater freedom, and less pressure to conform to any conditions. It also seems that every time the sparks are brighter and more joyous.

editorial february soul herd

Sharing that joy with others is one of the best things about Soul Herd. Every time a new kindred spirit joins, the way they are growing and the joy in it for them is delightful.

There is also something profoundly liberating in being able to celebrate another person’s journey, even when it is different from your own. I am continuing to explore the fullness of that. 

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Embodied Leadership with Susan Jackson

In this podcast, Embodied Leadership, we go deeply into the question of reciprocity with horses. Susan has an inspiring enthusiasm for the human process of becoming aware, and how we can connect with horses from within ourselves. In the excerpt Susan is describing the way she absorbs the ease of being-ness from horses living in an environment that allows them to be horses. 

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Contemplation with Joanne Glover

In Contemplation with Joanne Glover we are exploring the vast subjects of our own identity and how we can access our own sense of self worth. Joanne shares some of the wisdom she has received from horses and we talk about the way reciprocity can express itself between us.

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Sovereignty with Sam MacLean

Excerpt from Conversations with Sovereignty with Sam MacLean

In this four part podcast we take some time to consider the fundamentals of the relationship we have with horses. Sam is such an authentic, kind and caring person, and her perspective is deeply inspiring. In the excerpt she describes her fascinating way of living life and following her dreams.

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What Is Vibrational Creation

Why I Chose To Listen

Vibrational Creation is a phrase that has been coming into my mind recently to describe the journey with my herd. About six years ago we decided to put a more conventional training approach aside, and focus on our energetic communication alone. One of the most important intentions I started out with was to respect the horses wishes at every stage. I didn’t want our dialogue to be only for special occasions, or forgotten about when something else became more important. This is why we were able to attract a situation where we had the freedom to do that.

The listen in every moment approach feels so important because there were so many times previously I felt that I had to push over boundaries to achieve a connection. For example, ignoring when a horse didn’t want to come in the field to be ridden, or when I was about to mount and they were saying no. The same moments came when trimming feet or tending to a wound. There were always times when I would smooth over or jolly past that no

Despite enjoying the freedom of deciding to both listen and respond to what I hear, I am not saying that it is right, or the only way. In certain circumstances now I still do that. For example with our boarder who is being ridden more conventionally. If he feels a little uninspired, I help him to feel curious, and he enjoys our session. There is definitely a place for being the guiding light and a leader. Especially if your intention is still in the horse’s and their guardians best interests.

A New Way

I didn’t choose to listen to my horse’s opinions because I think it is always wrong not to.

I chose it because I know there is something to learn from horses. Something big and powerful and transformative. Something I can’t see the edges of yet. And yet I knew that if I listened deeply enough, and allowed the dialogue to flow enough, and expanded my horizons enough, we would go there together.

I also know that these particular horses have chosen this role. It is why they insist on certain things. They are creating a new pathway for all horses to choose to follow or not, but clearly it isn’t the right or the only way.

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