Making The Invisible Visible, January 2023

There is a distinction to be made between horsemanship and spiritual horsemanship. At some point in their life journey, a person who loves and appreciates horses will make the quantum leap from one perspective to the other. It doesn’t mean that they make a sacrifice or join a cult. Spiritual Horsemanship is a shift that happens in your heart. 


I have been diving deeply into the nature of what really matters to horse lovers. What I am feeling is an ephemeral, yet steady anchor that we can become aware of between the horses and ourselves.

Soul Herd is sharing, exploring and magnifying this seemingly invisible bond. We are making it visible by encouraging it’s manifestation and growth.

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The Horse’s Truth With Angela Dunning

Excerpt from The Horse’s Truth With Angela Dunning

Angela Dunning has considerable experience in many fields of therapeutic support with horses. We discuss a being rather than doing approach, and explore the various aspects of equine therapy.

In the following excerpt Angela gives her compelling perspective on why we are so attracted to horses, and want them in our lives.

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Softening In With Beth Lauren Parrish

Excerpt from Softening In With Beth Lauren Parrish

In our second Let’s Talk Herd podcast together, Beth and I discuss ways to soften in to our highest vibration. Beth has a wealth of inspiring and original ideas to help all horse guardians.

In the excerpt Beth is sharing advice from her future self that she accessed through a Quantum Jumping meditation technique from Burt Goldman.

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Conversations with Horses with Michele Morrow

Excerpt from Conversations with Horses with Michele Morrow

In this podcast we explore the world of communicating with animals, and particularly horses. Michele has an intriguing way of engaging in conversations with horses. In the excerpt she shares a couple of her most memorable and simply beautiful messages.

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Out of the Box with Dawn Oakley-Smith

Excerpt from Out of the Box with Dawn Oakley-Smith

In this podcast we explore more out of the box perspectives about ownership of horses. Discussing the weight of responsibility we often feel as horse guardians, and the way horses can indicate the progress of our own awakening. In the excerpt we are talking about rescuing animals and the reason why we often feel that is important.

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Creating Gold, December 2022

It was the horses, my Soul Herd, who first created the beautiful vibration of gold that embodies Soul Herd: The website, the magazine and the community itself. This gold is the vibrational field of their love, support and abundance. Their herd soul. When we do healing sessions together, or more accurately when I interpret their healing sessions for others, this golden vibration is the backdrop. The all-embracing space of unconditional love.

The horses are alchemists.

The way they weave and press, lever and build… the power of it is such a gift to experience. I don’t know how deeply I am actually able to receive or understand their multidimensional abilities, but even a hint is magical.

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Inspired Riding with Beth Lauren Parrish

Excerpt from Inspired Riding with Beth Lauren Parrish

Beth Lauren Parrish is an exceptionally creative equestrian. She is an uplifter who has brought her inspirational message into the heart of horsemanship. We had a lovely chat about the challenging life experiences which helped her to find her inner voice, and how she helps other horse guardians to do that also.

In the excerpt Beth describes a beautiful and transformational dream which was the first of a series of experiences which opened up her truly inspirational work with horses and their humans.

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The Safe Space of Liberty with Mary Miller-Jordan

Excerpt from The Safe Space of Liberty with Mary Miller-Jordan

In this second podcast with Mary, we explore working with horses at Liberty more deeply. This is a particularly fascinating subject as it is inspiring so many horse creatives, and appearing in the horse world in many different forms. Our discussion centres around how to encourage authentic freedom in a safe way. In this excerpt Mary describes a vivid dream she had when there was a communication issue with her mustang mare Magic. They needed to find a solution and it unfolded in an enchanting way.

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