Streaming Horse Inspired Explorations with Sabina Cox

Excerpt from Horse Inspired Explorations with Sabina Cox

This clip was when we were remembering, with the horses, the realisation that the world created by our mind is not real. This question arose out of the wish to open more pathways for our integration as humans. So we can discriminate less, and accept our differences more. In bringing this intention into a space of listening, we were reminded that mind-made concepts are not necessary. They don’t exist in the space of the open moment. Mind made concepts include judgment, concern, figuring out, desire to change and even awaken those other than ourselves.

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Horse Consciousness Is Here, November 2022

Horse consciousness is a collective energy that is just as powerful as human consciousness.

We might not think of it in that way, because power is often associated with control and exploitation. True power is the ability to receive. To be in alignment with our vibrational source, and let it flow through. And although it might seem that most horses are not receiving much pleasure in their lives here with us, that is only the surface view. The deeper view is that the horse collective are breathing themselves into our lives like healing mist.

They are engaging just as deeply as we do in the relationship, and in becoming themselves in it. This is why horse guardians are awakening to the dialogue between us. It is why some of us are feeling into a mutual way of working together that gives horses back their voice. Every time we find our inner truth more clearly, the horses are able to return more fully into their consciousness and into their bodies. Our lives are expanding together.

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Let’s Talk Herd Reflections

So many beautiful reflections are coming through in our podcast that it feels important to give them extra space and emphasis here. To start with I would like to reiterate the intention of Lets Talk Herd, and of Soul Herd, which will help us to stay true to the vibrational channel of the horse collective. 

As we continue to explore the different aspects of awakening in the horses’ presence, a familiar issue has arisen in my mind. How do we appreciate the awakened state of mind without judging the unawakened? I feel that so far in our discussions, we have stayed clear of this perpetual human rut. There is a light of authentic truth that continues to shine through our words and feelings . 

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The Subtle Dialogue with Horses

One of the largest discrepancies between the human and horse perception of life that I have noticed is time..

Embracing The Natural Rhythm

The Herd

To align with the herd and become part of their world, the subtlety of it, takes time. When I say time, I mean accepting the gentle flow of change. Allowing it. Listening to the truth that doesn’t make itself obvious at the surface.

It is a truth that is quieter, gentler, less about ‘what is’ and more intertwined with dreams and potential and possibility. It is like a spider web in its delicacy, and yet its innate strength is what changes the world. 

So throughout my experience in this life it has, for whatever reason, been essential to remember that rhythm. To gradually disengage from the pressure of the human rhythm, and allow space for the horse. Inside of that has been the understanding that it is not exclusively ‘horse’ but ‘Nature’ and ultimately that is human as well. In our modern life we tend to ride over the top of this one-ness and then we can’t hear the subtle dialogue itself.

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Lightwork with Sandra Mendelson

Excerpt from Lightwork with Sandra Mendelson

Sandra has been channeling messages from all animals for us humans for the last ten years. Their voices come through her words in an authentic and vibrant way. Being an interface for their voices has given Sandra a special perspective that she shares generously in our latest Let’s Talk Herd podcast.

Login below or Join Soul Herd to see all three parts.

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Equine Experiential Learning with Kim Hallin

Excerpt from Equine Experiential Learning with Kim Hallin

Kim talks about how she bred Tempo, her early life and how Tempo developed a physical condition. We discuss the conventional versus the alternative approach towards horse health.

Join Soul Herd to hear the whole podcast.

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Rooting Back In, October 2022

There is a powerful sense of putting down roots in the Soul Herd Community now. 

How to root back in to ourselves may be the ultimate gift we receive from our horse friends. They don’t need to use words, or ideas or even actions. They are simply rooted inside themselves and every time we come into contact with them we can absorb that coherence pattern.

Our Soul Herd contributors are talented journeyers who have explored and awakened over and over again. They are dedicated to sharing the wisdom they are channeling from horses. Whether that channeling happens through energetic pathways, communing or plain observation doesn’t matter. What does matter is that the messages coming through are so beautifully complimentary. 

Wisdoms that are coming through most often so far:

  • Find a way to slow down and take time with your horse. 
  • Allow the potential in your relationship to lead you. 
  • Acknowledge and listen deeply: to your horse and to yourself.
  • Trust your own unique inner guidance and that you can recieve it.
  • Awaken to the mirror that the horses are offering us.

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The Power of Acknowledgment with Holly Davis

Excerpt from the Power of Acknowledgment with Holly Davis

If there was one thing we could change or do more of right now with our horses, what could that be? Holly explains the profound power of offering our horses acknowledgment, and how to go about doing that. Holly Davis is an animal communicator with over twenty years of experience in listening to horses. Find out what they have to say, their unique perspective on their lives with us and much more as we dive deep into a truly fascinating subject.

Login below or Join Soul Herd to see all three parts.

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Curiosity With Elsa Sinclair

Excerpt from the podcast Curiosity with Elsa Sinclair

Elsa’s introduction to horses, the influences and what she enjoyed doing with them most as a child, the decision to find out if a wild horse would want to carry a rider.

Join Soul Herd to hear the whole podcast.

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