When I see this turmoil in the horse world right now I just feel so grateful that for whatever reason I was able to follow a path that led me closer to kindness and love and not further away. 

On this path, illuminated so often by the horses themselves, I have begun to start understanding some fundamental principles. The first one is that we are all equals in this world. All of us humans, and all creatures. 

We Walk Side By Side

When I really contemplate what that means, I see that there is no better or worse. We are all as valuable as each other. That we walk side by side, and whatever we have done or not done, we still walk side by side. 

I used to feel deeply threatened by that, and quite often still do! But once in a while I get a glimpse of what walking side by side really means, and it touches me so deeply I want to cry for what we lose in our ignorance. 

Another of these golden truths is that there is only fear and love. Fear appears in a million forms, yet love is always love. Love is unconditional.

That means we don’t have to do something or be something or make something to be love, and in being love to extend love to others. 

If we all just caught the tiniest flash of what that means, we would stop right now in our tracks and the whole world would change. We have always been love. 

How The Fear Holds Us Back

Yet we can’t see straight if we are operating out of fear. We fear cruelty and we fear ignorance and we fear control and lack of control, but the thing is we are only really scared of our own inability to love. Perhaps we are only really scared of our vast potential to love. 

We think if we love people who do cruel things that our world will fall apart. Why is that, when love heals all suffering? The hardest thing to do in this world is to forgive, to look past the doing and see the truth of our fellow beings. 

That truth being that they are made of love too. The easiest thing to do is blame and shift ourselves in front or behind our fellow being on the path. And that error only ever happens in our mind, it doesn’t become true simply because we think it is.

The truth is that we are all equal, we are side by side. 

Correcting the Judgment

This judgement thing is so desperately held by us!

Every moment of every day now I feel the conditioning, the habit, the temptation to judge. Every time I remember I do my best to correct it. To put myself back even and remember I am love. If I succeed, which is less often than I don’t, I see the truth. 

How exceptionally beautiful we ALL are, how sincere and vulnerable and often deeply in need of love. 

The horses don’t need our love as much as our human friends do, because they know they are love. When you know this, you don’t need love, you give it, and it comes back multiplied. 

Help the horses

It isn’t difficult to love horses because they don’t judge us, they see us. They see the truth of who we are beneath our fear.

Even if we try and push them away and make them into objects and crush them with our ego, they are still there patiently kind when we are ready to remember who we are. 

So please, to truly help the horses in this world, let’s  help each other first. Simple, small acts of kindness are enough. Thinking a kind thought, or making a kind comment. Being who we are and seeing it in everyone. And when this is frightening, just look at that fear and trust it can heal.

It isn’t who you are. 

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