Rooting Back In, October 2022

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There is a powerful sense of putting down roots in the Soul Herd Community now. 

How to root back in to ourselves may be the ultimate gift we receive from our horse friends. They don’t need to use words, or ideas or even actions. They are simply rooted inside themselves and every time we come into contact with them we can absorb that coherence pattern.

Our Soul Herd contributors are talented journeyers who have explored and awakened over and over again. They are dedicated to sharing the wisdom they are channeling from horses. Whether that channeling happens through energetic pathways, communing or plain observation doesn’t matter. What does matter is that the messages coming through are so beautifully complimentary. 

Wisdoms that are coming through most often so far:

  • Find a way to slow down and take time with your horse. 
  • Allow the potential in your relationship to lead you. 
  • Acknowledge and listen deeply: to your horse and to yourself.
  • Trust your own unique inner guidance and that you can recieve it.
  • Awaken to the mirror that the horses are offering us.

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The Unique Moment of Kinship, September 2022

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Those unique moments of kinship are what having horses is all about for so many horse guardians

The value of kinship with horses has been coming through to me in the articles and the wonderful podcast discussions last month. Those moments of togetherness and clarity in communication are such a blessing. Quite often during this journey I have reflected how much easier it would feel to be working within a team. To relax into a sharing of responsibility and ideas. Although the freedom of being able to listen to my inner guidance and allow growth to be pressure free is invaluable. 

In those moments of feeling nervous about the technology and a little overwhelmed by the responsibility, I remember that I am far from alone! That all of the unique, talented and passionate contributors are the team. And of course, at the heart of Soul Herd, our forward thinking active members. They recognised so early on what is being created here for the horses. And I am sure that in time the right people will come forward if more internal support is required.

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Let’s Talk Herd has Begun, August 2022

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Let’s Talk Herd is up and running, and already attracting fascinating guests…

Let’s Talk Herd, the Soul Herd podcast started this month. Being in the presence of such like minded guests has been very inspiring, despite the occasional technical challenge! It truly feels like a quantum leap in terms of authentically connecting with kindred spirits. And the potential of collaboration seems so much greater now. Meeting face to face and talking with a real person is so much more natural and multi-dimensional.

I have been pleasantly surprised at how easy it has been to engage with each guest. It has been like meeting old friends and clicking in to our favourite subjects. So many parallels are surfacing in these podcasts. Fundamental truths that we are realising and discovering in our individual journeys with horses. Going within for answers and following our inner guidance. And the horses show us how to do that just by being themselves.

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Coherence in the Human Collective, July 2022

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Soul Herd is Expanding!

Soul Herd is only a month old and there has already been a fascinating process to share. Coherence in the human collective is a message brought to us by the horse collective. It is a message which reflects the more practical element of seeking contributors and members to join our vision. I have come to enjoy the vibrational changes as much as their physical manifestations, yet I had no idea starting out quite how powerful this project could be energetically.

It does make sense, to ask for so many highly sentient energies to come together and interweave. To create something together. So it is so much more than presenting a collection of articles, even though in themselves they are wonderful and full of new and exciting ideas. On a vibrational level, asking for those energies to align and find a mutual equilibrium is initiating a much deeper shift for us all.

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Soul Herd: The Beginning, June 2022

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Welcome to the first Soul Herd editorial!

Not long ago I set out to find a suitable publication for the blog I have been writing. Suitable meaning that going into the spirituality of horsemanship is welcome. My blog is about the journey I have been on with my herd of horses for some years. A similar journey to the one that many friends and kindred spirits with horses in their lives are on. It is a process of awakening to the horses’ voice, of discovering both how to hear them and how to respond.

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